Uncovering the Past

Pete Vanlaw, white beard, glasses, baseball cap, brown jacket, smiling.
Your host, Pete Vanlaw

For over fifty years, I thought I was a Gentile.
But my heart attack changed everything.
It was a wake-up call that compelled me to discover who I really was and to explore my past and the lives of my family.

And it broke my father’s long-held code of silence.

That’s when I discovered I was a Jew.

This is my story.

Lily Vanlaw with young son Pete Vanlaw.
My mother, Lily Vanlaw, and me.

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A rootin' tootin' cowboy sporting two pistols, dressed in white twenty-gallon hat, white long sleeve shirt, white gloves with white leather tassels, and white fur-lined chaps.

Blaze Glory & How it All Began

For me it began in 1968. I was working for a film company in Studio City at the time, by the name of FilmFair. The owners were Gus and Bill Jekel, a pair of twin brothers. Of the two, Gus was the prime mover, having learned the business in the animation department at Walt Disney Studios. . . . Read More.

Men and boys line forest road as fast moving race cars whiz by.

East Coast Chronicles, Part Two

In 1956, two young Air Force 2nd Lieutenants hatch a scheme to hitch military transport to Europe, buy a Porsche speed machine, and drive it back to California with plenty of stops for sun and fun — and tours of race car rallies featuring famous players. What could go wrong? (Part Two of Two) . . . Read More

Pete vanlaw sits at the wheel of 1950's MG race car amidst other race cars and drivers.

East Coast Chronicles, Part One

In 1956, two young Air Force 2nd Lieutenants hatch a scheme to hitch military transport to Europe, buy a Porsche speed machine, and drive it back to California with plenty of stops for sun and fun — and tours of race car rallies featuring famous players. What could go wrong? (Part One of Two). . . Read More

Ruth levy in racing car cockpit wearing racing helmet and gloves.

Ruth Levy Raymond aka “Mamaroo”

With the recent passing of Ruth Levy Raymond, I lost a dear friend, and a woman of many talents. She was an artist, a cowboy poet, a singer, and an author of children’s books. But beyond that, she was best known as a world class race car driver and competitor in a man’s sport. Sadly, Ruth passed away just two days before Christmas, last December 23 . . . Read More

Family, Holocaust, and more . . .

Two older men wearing winter coats and knit caps place white roses near stepping stone plaques marking persons taken fro their homes by Nazis in the 1930s.

Bark’s Report: Pogrom/Kristallnacht Commemoration

In 1938, the Nazis harassed Jewish families all over Germany, including the small city of Wittstock. Today, anti-Semitic sentiments have returned. In contrast, a good 60 participants took a stand at a Wittstock pogrom commemoration. Journalist Christian Bark follows up on a November 9, 2023 commemoration of the 1938 Kristallnacht AKA “Night of Broken Glass”…

1918 portrait of five members of the Rehfisch family, including a young Lily Rehfisch, and a second, modern-day photo of Pete Vanlaw.

What is a Christian Bark?

A german journalist connects with Pete Vanlaw to publish an article about commemoration of the 1938 Kristallnacht in the town of Wittstock, Germany.

Exterior view of grand berlin department store, h joseph and company, in the 1930s.

A New Look at “Diary of a Department Store”

This is new information about what actually happened when the Nazis “Aryanized” the Berlin Department Store founded in 1900 by my grand uncle, “Sally” Rehfisch, and his partner, Hermann Joseph. More details about the people involved, before, during and after the war, in this update of my 2019 post, “Diary of a Department Store”.

Five 10 cm square bronze colored metal plaques embedded in cement in a grid, each engraved with a single person taken away by nazi soldiers during world war two.


The German artist Gunter Demnig, who originated the idea of the commemorative stepping stones, remembers the victims of the Nazis by installing memorial brass plaques on the pavement in front of their last known address. He cites the Talmud saying that “a person is only forgotten when his or her name is forgotten.” The Stolpersteine…

Very young, well-dressed girl with a bow in her hair and carrying a doll steps out of a train car onto a station platform as other children peer at her.

In My Pocket

This is the true story and inspirational legacy of a little girl, who fled the Nazis in 1939, and ended up in Scotland, where she lived the rest of her life. And currently, the affect it’s had on Scotland, Germany and now Perth, Australia.

Collage of eight photos from early 20th century, groups of people either dressed up for winter outings or wearing bathing costumes at waterfront.

For The Life of Me – The Backstory

All the trials and tribulations that led up to the actual creation of “For the Life of Me”.

Paragraph 175 and the Pink Triangle

What Did They Have In Common? In Poland, no one writes about the tragic fate of homosexuals during the Nazi era. Nothing has been published about the thousands of Polish homosexuals who became death camp victims. Ordinary embarrassment is the reason that scholars remain silent about Nazism’s homosexual victims. Robert Biedroń, “Nazism’s Pink Hell” Holocaust…

Portrait of five members of the Rehfisch family, including a young Lily Rehfisch

Wittstock, Kristallnacht and the Rehfisch Family

Last fall I received a flyer from Amilie, my friend in Berlin, as a reminder that the 9th of November is the day to commemorate Kristallnacht. One could also consider it the beginning of the Holocaust. It is Amelie who continues to be an incredible source of historical information about my family and my relatives. …

Ilonka’s Story – The Sequel

Ilonka Venier Alexander’s first story appeared very soon after I began my blog. She found one of my early posts; the one about discovering my own Jewish family, which prompted her to contact me as a kindred soul. Ilonka and I have stayed in touch over the years while she began writing primarily about the…

The Most Bizarre POW Camp During WWII – Curragh

A World War II Canadian bomber crew crash lands into friendly territory — but quickly becomes some of the most unlikely Prisoners of War ever.


I am Pete Vanlaw. Originally I created this blog to document my quest to uncover my family’s past, which had been hidden from me for over 50 years. This culminated in the making of a documentary film, For The Life of Me, that I am particularly proud of. I continue to write about my family’s history and the Holocaust in general, but this blog has expanded to include other aspects of my life growing up in Los Angeles and working in the entertainment industry for 40+ years.

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Subjects I Also Cover:

Stories about unrelated subjects such as Music, Automobile Racing, Travel, Social Networking, and more.

Show Biz

Here are some posts about the 40 wonderful years I worked in entertainment and advertising.

Guest Authors

Stories from others that parallel or compliment my own.
