A rootin' tootin' cowboy sporting two pistols, dressed in white twenty-gallon hat, white long sleeve shirt, white gloves with white leather tassels, and white fur-lined chaps.

Blaze Glory & How it All Began

For me it began in 1968. I was working for a film company in Studio City at the time, by the name of FilmFair. The owners were Gus and Bill Jekel, a pair of twin brothers. Of the two, Gus was the prime mover, having learned the business in the animation department at Walt Disney Studios. . . . Read More.

Allen Daviau beside motion picture camera on set.

A Tribute to Allen Daviau

How does a person go from camera store clerk to world-respected ASC cinematographer? With a little encouragement from friends, of course.

Tourists climb the very steep steps of Plaza de la Pirámide de la Luna, at Teotihuacan, Mexico.

Mexico and the Torticos Man

Mexico and the Torticos Man Or Buzz and the Pyramids This all happened way back in the day when I was producing TV commercials. While I got some pretty bizarre requests from clients, this one remains at the top of the heap. Torticos was a brand of corn chips, much like Fritos or Doritos. But before I started putting this story together, I tried to find out if the brand still existed, since I’d never heard of it either before, … Read More

Some Adventures in Mexico – Kool Shooting

The year was 1984. I was Exec. Producer for a production company in Hollywood. Like all good adventures this one began with a phone call. It was from a mid-west advertising agency whose  producer was calling me. A nice guy by the name of Chuck Bauer, with whom I’d worked on previous jobs. He wanted me to bid on a package of TV commercials for their client, Kool Cigarettes, which were slated to run in Mexico, as well as Latin … Read More

Mort n’ Curley

Following the Paths of Two Extremely Talented High School Kids I was two years behind both Mort and Curley when I entered North Hollywood High School. They were both seniors while I was just beginning the 10th grade. But it didn’t take long before I learned about these two very talented individuals. Mort Subotnick played the clarinet and Curley Williams the piano. While I never got to know them personally, I always assumed that they were friends since they shared … Read More

John Wayne and the Alabama Hills

This is a funny story involving the famous actor, John Wayne, and could only happen once in a life-time.