Lucile Avenue Revisited

Because of a Wishing Well

It was dark when Linda and I arrived at our host’s apartment. We were in an older section of Los Angeles called the Silverlake District, an area that had been known as a showcase for the houses designed by the noted Viennese architect, Richard Neutra. But we were blocks away from any Neutra houses, on a street, where the recent gentrification that had begun on Sunset Blvd. . . . Read More “Lucile Avenue Revisited”

Family Friends Friday – The Natzlers

Dr. Adolf Natzler and his wife, Hedwig, were names from my childhood. As dear friends of my parents, they would visit us at least once a week, unless we were visiting them. He was a highly regarded orthopedic surgeon from Germany, who came to America with his family about the same time as my parents. . . . Read More “Family Friends Friday – The Natzlers”

Gertrude alone

A Suicide in My Family – Madness Monday

What is suicide if not a form of madness? Why else would a person choose to take their own life? That is a question that has plagued me ever since I learned that my grandmother killed herself many years ago. In retrospect, it became a double tragedy, because years later it led to my mother’s madness – an emotional breakdown that caused her to be institutionalized and from which she never fully recovered. . . . Read More “A Suicide in My Family – Madness Monday”